Superintendent Search

Time Line



April 3

Planning meeting with School Board at a Special Meeting

April 8-12

Finalize information for the Division announcement materials and stakeholder survey

April 11-15

Post announcement on BWP Website, professional magazines, SCPS webpage

April 15

Conduct Individual School Board Member Interviews

April 15   

Share stakeholder survey on webpage, district social media, and email students, parents/guardians, and staff

April 16 & 17

Conduct focus groups and community forums

April 25

BWP provides superintendent search update at School Board Meeting

April 28

Stakeholder survey closes

May 24    

Deadline for all application materials.

June 3

Search firm presents top candidates to the School Board in closed session and discuss candidates to be interviewed


Interview selected candidates (1st round)


Interview top candidates (2nd round) 

June 13

School Board holds closed session meeting to discuss interviewed candidates


School Board announces superintendent


New superintendent begins

Superintendent Search Update 6.7.25

The Spotsylvania County School Board met with the board approved search firm BWP and Associates, on Monday, June 3, 2024. At that meeting, the search firm presented the applicants for Spotsylvania County Public Schools’ superintendent to the School Board members in closed session.  

"We were able to narrow down the applicants, and our next steps are to conduct our first and second rounds of interviews with these candidates," shared School Board Chair Dr. Lorita Daniels. "We have some highly qualified candidates, and we are looking forward to the final selection of our next superintendent by the first of July. This selection is one of the most important decisions we can make for the future of our students and our county."

The School Board selected interview candidates and determined interview questions were discussed in closed session as permitted by Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia.

The following notification of intent to interview superintendent candidates was shared at June 3, 2024, School Board Meeting:

The School Board of the County of Spotsylvania will meet with BWP and Associates in a closed meeting at 5:00 p.m. on June 3, 2024 to review the top candidate recommendations. Section 2.2-3712.B of the Code of Virginia and School Board Policy BDDA^ Notification of School Board Meetings allow the Board to meet in a closed meeting to interview superintendent candidates provided notice is announced in an open meeting that such a closed meeting will take place in a disclosed or undisclosed location within 15 days thereafter. This notice serves to inform the public that the School Board will conduct virtual interviews with selected first round candidates and second round candidates between the dates of June 3, 2024 andJune 18, 2024.

Superintendent Search Update 4.25.25

BWP & Associates, School Board approved search firm, provided the School Board with an update on April 25, 2024, at the April 25 School Board meeting. Below is the presentation, Draft Superintendent Profile, and the Community Engagement Report that was shared with the School Board.


DRAFT Superintendent Profile

Community Engagement Report
Please note: the Online Stakeholder Survey section below provides final number of completed survey responses.

Superintendent Search Underway

The Spotsylvania County School Board is currently conducting a search for a new superintendent to lead the school division. In March 2024, the School Board chose BWP & Associates to conduct a confidential search for the next Superintendent of Schools, which means names of applicants will not be shared with the public.

Search Firm Overview and Process

Applicant Announcement

Division Snapshot

For more information about SCPS, please visit our official social media sites: Facebook / X (formally Twitter) / YouTube / Instagram.

Stakeholder input is an important part of the search process. As part of the search process, BWP & Associates will conduct a stakeholder survey, stakeholder focus groups, and public community forums for students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members input.

Survey & Community Forums Flyer

Online Stakeholder Survey  

The survey will open April 15, 2024, and closed on April 28, 2024. It was available in English and Spanish. All students, staff, parents, future parents, and Spotsylvania County community members are encouraged to participate. Information with the survey link will be emailed to students, parents/guardians, and staff. The link will also be posted on this web page and posted on the Division's Facebook and X (formally Twitter) accounts.


ENGLISH - 2,396 completed
SPANISH - 9 completed
STUDENTS - 525 completed

Community Forums

On April 16 & 17, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., BWP & Associates, the superintendent search firm contracted by the School Board, hosted community forums for students, staff, parents, and Spotsylvania County community members input. All were encouraged to attend. No RSVP was required and translation was offered for the Community Forums.


April 16 - 6 p.m.

  • Post Oak Middle, Auditorium

  • Mt. Hope Baptist Church, 6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg

April 17 - 6 p.m.

  • Cedar Forest Elementary, Cafeteria

  • Chancellor High, Auditorium

 Search Firm

For more information about the superintendent search firm, visit