Student Pre-Registration
Helpful Tips and Information:
Birth Certificate: If you do not have an original birth certificate, please visit the Virginia Department of Health - Office of Vital Records website.
Social Security Number: If you do not have a social security number, please visit the U.S. Social Security Administration website.
Physical Examination: Besides the items on the registration checklist, your child must complete a physical examination by a physician. A physical examination form must be completed by a physician no earlier than 12 months before the date of entrance into school if the student is enrolling in public school for the first time. For students who have been enrolled in public school previously, the physical examination form submitted at the time of first enrollment may be used.
Immunizations: Documented proof of required immunizations.
Requisitos Minimos de Inmunizacion para la Escuala y la Guarderia
2021 Childhood Vaccine School Requirements (House Bill 1090)
Requisitos escolares de vacunación infantil 2021 Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara de Representantes 1090
Free immunizations may be obtained at the Spotsylvania Health Department in the Holbert Building, 2nd Floor (9104 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553). Phone number: (540)507-7400. Their hours are by appointment.