School Board Governance Policy
The School Board is a corporate body vested with all the duties, obligations, and responsibilities imposed upon a School Board by law. This includes the ability to sue, be sued, contract, be contracted with, and purchase, take, hold, lease, and convey school property, both real and personal.
At the time of appointment or election to office, each member of the School Board must be a qualified voter, bona fide resident of the county and district they represent, and meet any other criteria outlined in state law. If a Board member ceases to be a resident of the county or the district that he/she represents, the position on the School Board shall be deemed vacant.
The officers of the School Board shall be a Chair and Vice-Chair:
Chair - The duties of the Chair shall be to preside at all meetings of the School Board, perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by action of the School Board, and sign all legal documents approved by the School Board. The Chair has a vote on all matters before the School Board, which comes to a vote but does not have an additional vote as Chair in case of a tie.
Vice-Chair - The duties of the Vice-Chair shall be to preside in the absence of the Chair and shall be empowered to act in all matters in case of the absence or inability of the Chair to act or as provided by resolution of the School Board.
School Board Nondiscrimination Policy
The Spotsylvania County Public School Board is committed to a nondiscrimination policy concerning sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, genetic information, or other protected characteristics. This commitment will prevail in all its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business.
Meeting Information
The Spotsylvania County Public School Board meets on the second Monday of every month, unless otherwise noted, in the Board Meeting Room of the Administrative Services Building, 8020 River Stone Drive, Fredericksburg, VA. All meetings are open to the public. Anyone requiring special accommodations should contact the Clerk's office (540.834.2500) at least two days before the meeting to discuss the required accommodations.
Meet the Board
Ms. Megan Jackson, Chair
Livingston District
Ms. Belen Rodas, Vice Chair
Chancellor District
Battlefield District
Mrs. April Gillespie
Berkeley District
Dr. Carol Medawar
Courtland District
Mrs. Lisa A. Phelps
Lee Hill District
Dr. Lorita C. Daniels
Salem District