Budget Process

The SCPS Budget Cycle

Budget Cycle

Budget Requirements

The Code of Virginia requires that school divisions prepare annual budgets. Our annual budget planning process covers nine months, from September through May. The Superintendent’s annual recommended budget is developed based on revenues and expenditures noted in the Governor’s Proposed Budget. The School Board’s Adopted Budget is developed based on revenues and expenditures noted in the General Assembly’s Adopted Budget. Moreover, the annual budget is compiled with input and feedback from a variety of stakeholders and key source documents, including:

  • Principals, teachers, and staff;

  • Parent Advisory Committee members;

  • Teacher Advisory Committee members;

  • Spotsylvania Education Association (SEA) officers and members;

  • Citizen input at public hearings;

  • Public comments in regular School Board meetings;

  • The school division’s Strategic Plan and

  • The five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

SCPS is a fiscally dependent entity; therefore, the school division’s budget cycle is driven by statutory deadlines from the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Spotsylvania. Spotsylvania County Public Schools fiscal year is July 1 to June 30, corresponding to the fiscal year of both the County of Spotsylvania and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Budget cycles run from July 1 - June 30

HB 2269, passed by the 2009 General Assembly (HB 2269), states the following: § 22.1-90—Annual Report of expenditures.  Every school board shall submit at least once each year to the governing body or bodies appropriating funds to the school board a report of all its expenditures. Such report shall also be made available to the public either on the official school division website, if any, or in hard copy at the central school division office, on a template prescribed by the Board of Education.