

Bus Transportation

Bus stop information: Please use the SCPS MapNet website for bus stop information.

Spotsylvania County Public Schools offers bus transportation both to and from school; however for Head Start and Virginia Preschool Initiative transportation is not guaranteed depending on location.  

Riding the bus is a privilege not a right. Children must follow SCPS Student Code of Conduct: Student Conduct on School Buses. All preschool children must use the provided safety restraint system. Failure to abide by the bus safety rules and/or excessive bus returns may result in loss of bus transportation.  SCPS buses contain video surveillance cameras for the safety of children and drivers.

Your child must have a parent, guardian, or designated person from the Emergency Contacts and Authorized Persons Pick- Up List at the bus stop in the morning and in the afternoon. SCPS Transportation Department requires that you be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the bus is due. The bus will not drop off a Preschool child unless the parent or designated person is present.

To ensure the safety of your child and due to their young age, Preschool children will only be allowed to be picked up and dropped off at their designated bus stop. Preschool children will not be allowed to “ride the bus home with a friend” or “get off the bus with a friend.”

Parent Transportation

Families may elect to self-transport their student to and from their student’s enrolled school. If wanting to change schools, to receive bus transportation your child will go back on the waitlist. 

In every SCPS school building, if you bring your child to school or pick your child up from school, you must first sign in at the school's front office. To ensure your child's safety, it is best to walk your child to the classroom and sign-in with the teacher if the school allows. Clarify classroom sign-in procedures with your child's teacher. Children may not arrive before 8:30 am and must be picked up by 2:15 pm. If you do not pick up your child by 2:15, your child will be sent home on the bus. Authorized persons must be sixteen (16) or older with valid photo ID and must be on the Emergency Contacts and Authorized Persons Pick-Up List.

Bus Return Policy

If your child is returned to school, staff will contact a parent or those listed on your Emergency Contacts and Authorized Persons Pick-Up List to pick up the child. Parents should have a plan in place so the child is picked up as soon as possible. At 4:00 p.m. if staff has not spoken to a parent or authorized person and there is no plan to pick up the child within an agreed upon time, Child Protective Services or the local police/sheriff department will be contacted.

Transportation Changes

Transportation changes must be made in writing at least 5 days in advance at the Center for Family and Preschool Services Administrative Office. Changes may not be made at the school or with the bus driver.

If you move from your current location please notify your Family Service Worker. Per SCPS School Board Policy JEC^ and Grant Restrictions, should a student move out of Spotsylvania County, the student will be withdrawn from the Preschool program.